Surgical Data Science

Surgical data science and team mission

Surgical Data Science  (SDS) is about improving outcomes of surgery with AI-based software systems driven by clinical data.  We aim to improve the training and capabilities of surgical teams with SDS, to reduce complications, make surgery easier and safer, and achieve better patient outcomes. 


Ultrasound (US) is a key technology to detect abdominal cancer early, and treat it with minimal intervention. The disrumpere project aims to combine low-cost ultrasound devices with innovative AI and robotics technologies, to make US easier, faster more widely used.  

Laparoscopic surgical guidance systems with Augmented Reality

We research computer systems to improve laparoscopic surgery with Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. 3D medical image data such as CT or MR is automatically combined with the laparoscopic video, to show hidden critical structures such as tumours and major vessels.

Percutaneous surgical guidance systems

We research computer systems to improve percutaneous surgery with Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D tracking technologies. 

Ultrasound and flexible endoscopy educational systems

Objective skill assessment is becoming an increasingly important component of surgery education and high-stakes skill assessment for accreditation. Our goal is to combine low-cost mechanical simulators with AI to make these tools broadly accessible.


Most of our applications are built with Sight, the Surgical Image Guidance and Healthcare Toolkit. Sight aims to facilitate the creation of software based on medical imaging and is freely available in open-source.

DICOM viewer for medical images. Supports CT-scan, MRI and segmentations.

Easily calibrate a camera system (intrinsic/extrinsic parameters), with live or recorded video streams.


Clinical and technical publications

Artificial intelligence and surgery: Recent progress and future perspectives

Automatic task recognition in a flexible endoscopy benchtop trainer with semi-supervised learning

Light modelling and calibration in laparoscopy

A new software suite in orthognathic surgery: patient specific modeling, simulation and navigation


IRCAD Africa

C++ developer

  • Develop new surgical navigation systems integrating our latest advances in AI.
  • Develop new features and provide support on our open-source toolkit Sight.
